Tokyo Tower and Sushi Dinner東京鐵塔加壽司晚餐Xiao-pang and I are in Japan for vacation again. It seems like we were just here a little bit ago, but both of us feel that we really need a vacation. Therefore, we are traveling to Taiwan and Japan again. Mark picked us up at the airport. We are waiting for the train to go to Tokyo. Everytime when I am in the train and the service lady push a cart full of snacks, I just want to buy them so bad. Everything looks so delicious. We are staying in Tamachi again. Everything seems the same but Mark said that the building with the gold and blue color is new. Today is Friday; there were a lot of people in suits walking on the street. The red building in the back is the La Villa Fountain hotel we are staying for the first two nights.My company actually gets discount staying there, but I forgot my badget. I cannot believe that Aki is staying at the same hotel. He is my coworker and he is here for training Japanese resellers. Steve knows him, too.YA! We are finally here. The flight was so exhausting. Tons of working people...they all wear black suits.We are walking to the Tokyo Tower. Last time I did not get to see it, so we are going there again. There is a little restaurant selling crepts. Steve always said he wants to try it, so we got one. It is pretty good.There is xiao-pang underneath the Tokyo Tower.This bus is covered in Hello Kitty.It looks so tall from distance.This is a nearby temple. There is a traditional Japanese noodle shop. I always wonder what it feels like to eat in there.Mark and his Farrari dream.We are searching for restaurant to eat. Xiao-pang has his mind set on sushi.We decided to eat here.This is the shushi tray we ordered. This little restaurant is packed.Getting desert afterwards. We got sweet potato, cream puff and chocolate. 'They were all so good.You can eat there, too. But we took everything back to the hotel..
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